The science of early childhood development of Harvard university in brief

The science of early childhood development of Harvard university in brief

A healthy development have young children in the early years of life literally does provide a foundation for just a bad on all over the challenging social problems that, our society and other society space. What we were learning done not just from our attitude and developmental research but also now from exciting developments in neuroscience and molecular biology. How much early experience an from birth in fact even before birth how much this experience literally gets into our bodies in and shapes our learning capacities , behavior center physical and mental health. The brain is essentially built from the bottom up first debate brain builds basic circuits, that are responsible for basic skills and than more complex circuits are built on topic this basic circuits as we develop a complex kills, Biologically the brain is prepared to be shaped by experience it’s expecting the experiences that a young child has to literally influence the formation at its circuitry it’s built into our biology. The interaction between genetics and experience that shapes brain architecture is embedded in reciprocal relationship, relationships that children have moved outside sen buyback million and what we refer to as the server in return nature children’s interaction with their in adults. Development and the impact if experience and development is not a one-way street it sent back and forth interaction. The brain is a highly integrated origin a chance multiple sections that specialize in different and kinda process, he said we have parts of the brain matter involved morning cognitive function in other parts that are involved in processing at the motion in parts, involved in seeing and hearing. So, if a child his emotionally and could well put together and socially competent that will affect more positive and productive learning a child is preoccupied with fears hearing society or dealing with considerable stress no matter how intellectually gifted that child not might be his or her learning his can it be impaired by that kind of emotional intervention. So, when we talk about healthy progress in the early years and particularly when we talk about preparing children to succeed in school we cannot separate cognitive development from social and emotional development and you can’t have one without the other, All development builds on what comes before soon when children experience table nurturing relationships, it fosters that the element healthy circuitry and when children experience uncertainty ring stability her abusive or neglectful relationship, it literally disrupts the circuitry in the brain circuit texture as it’s being called I’m over time bis has a wear and tear a fact and more stress you have the more causes have longer your stress response the more likely you are to have a whole range of problem later on. It can affect the immune system, It can reflex the cardiovascular system and this is why excessive prolonged stress early in life is associated with a higher prevalence later  not only at learning problems and behavior difficulties but also physical and mental health problems. Because the brain is optimally flexible and plastic early in life good as it develops its circuitry and refines its circuitry, it loses some of its flexibility which is why intervening early is so important because as we often say when it comes to brain circuitry it’s better to get it right the first time the trying to fix it later.

The science of early childhood development of Harvard university in brief The science of early childhood development of Harvard university in brief Reviewed by hery on 12:56:00 AM Rating: 5

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