In this world, there are more than one million types of insects. All insects have six
legs and three body parts. There skeleton is present outside their body. Normally
most insects have wings and can fly. They have two feelers on their head which we call antennae.


The front part of the body is called head
The middle part of the body is called Thorax.
The back part of the body is called the Abdomen.
the tiny hairs present on a wasp's body pick up sounds from the air. 
 The wasp has stinger under its back and which help to protect it from enemies.

Insects have only eyes.They do not have any tongue or nose. They use their feelers to smell and feel. They tastes with many parts of the body even their feet.


Most insects completely change their size, shape and color as they go through their life cycle. Insect hatch out from heir eggs and they look very different from their parents.after hatching,they simply eat and grow from one stage to another until they are ready to change into adults.
Some insects hatch from their eggs looking like tiny adults.
ABOUT INSECTS!! ABOUT INSECTS!! Reviewed by hery on 12:37:00 AM Rating: 5

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