Now lets say hello to the animals that fly in the air they are called birds they have wonderful gift from god they can move very fast in the air on their wings this is called flying imagine flying free like a bird it would be just awesome. Lets take a look now at some of this amazing creatures.


I did say that birds can fly but not all of the birds can fly chicken is one of them it can only fly for a very short distance it is white and comes in many colors chicken are eaten by many people around the world.


Crow is very cleaver bird it is the medium size black bird with strong beak eat eats many things and can move almost anywhere.


The duck is another bird that can fly and swim in water too people also have ducks dinner sometimes.it is a cute bird like Donald duck.


This is a large majestic bird it has sharp curve nails called claws it has also has sharp hook like beak it uses all this sharp parts to catch and eat small animals and birds.


The flamingo is pink beautiful color bird it looks very long and thin when it stands up it is one of the tallest of birds it has a long beak to help a catch fish it cant swim but it can easily walk in sallow water , flamingo also
fly long distance around the world.


The owl is medium size bird,it normally hunts by night it too has a sharp hooked beak an claws it also eat other small animals and birds for dinner .It has two cute sleepy eyes that are very big it can see and hear very well.


The peacock has has one of the most beautiful feathers seen on birds it has a long tail and cant fly for long distance the male peacock has wonderful dark blue color that shines like a 


The sparrow is a small bird that normally eats grans it doesn't fly long distances and uses its small wings to change direction quickly when it fly's.


Swan is one of the most graceful birds.it strong wings helps to fly long distances like an aeroplane. This beautiful bird is normally pure wight in color and it can swim very well in water.


The vulture is an unusual bird it is one of the wonderful cleanness of nature it eats left died animals parts it can even eat spoiled food and not fall sick. It has long neck without any fur on his neck or head.
ABOUT BIRDS!! ABOUT BIRDS!! Reviewed by hery on 9:26:00 PM Rating: 5

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